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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Joey's Slice of Life Writing: Mining Small Moments with Minecraft

Earlier today, I took the Slice of Life Challenge and wrote about it here.  Since I've urged you to start writing alongside your own child(ren), I bribed (I mean, encouraged), Joey to do the same.  His story is below.

Yes, it took a little prodding but he eventually agreed to sit down and write for five minutes.

The topic?  Minecraft.


"You said that I could write about anything, Mommy."

Okay, okay.

How to Connect a House to a House in Minecraft

by Joey

Here is what he wrote (correct spelling in parentheses):

A sory (story) in the future in Minecraft.  
How to coonnecht (connect) a house to a house. 
Make two houses. 
Make a tunool (tunnel). 
Fil (fill) it with torchis (torches).

After about 25 minutes of silence, Joey called out:

"Has it been five minutes yet?"

Now, Minecraft might not seem like a worthy topic but it matters to him.  Plus, Joey spent almost 30 minutes on the writing process today, with virtually no assistance from me:

*planning his writing
*stretching out words during drafting
*reading it over and subsequently adding more details (revising)

Thanks Slice of Life!

Joey and I both took the challenge today.  Now it's your turn!


  1. Love his writing and the illustration! It's true - choice is so important. Look how much he produced in his "five" minutes.

    1. Thanks, Ramona! Yes, when we give children (and adults) choices, it normally results in more meaningful writing.

  2. It's a really solid how-to book for Joey! And a topic he's an expert on. So important to write what matters. Let him know we love his work!

    1. I will tell him! Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. He will be very proud. :)

  3. Hey, a boy after my own heart! I've only been sucked into the Minecraft world recently, but it's amazing all the things you can do with the game. Not only that, it's a connection I've all ready made with my 8th grade students! Thank you, Joey, for the great writing and please, share that with your teacher! Maybe you'll get her hooked on Minecraft too! :)

    1. Thanks so much for your comments, Darin! Joey appreciates the time that you took to read his writing and says:

      "You are awesome!" :)
